ISC Insurtech Platform

Empowering Insurance with AI - Smarter, Faster

Insurtech is reshaping the insurance landscape by fostering innovation, increasing competition, and driving digital transformation across the industry. While traditional insurers face challenges in adapting to this rapidly evolving environment, those willing to embrace technology and embrace change stand to gain significant advantages in terms of efficiency, customer satisfaction, and market relevance.

The Project

Redesign ISC's end-to-end insurance platform that connects a broad network of insurance markets and distribution channels. Enhancing the user experience and modernizing the aesthetic of the platform through collaboration, research, wireframing, high-fidelity design, and prototyping.


My research began with a competitive analysis, of various Insurtech platforms. I aimed to pinpoint functional and usability gaps by exploring alternative solutions. Analytics provided insights into how users interact with the current platform. While user feedback provided valuable insights into identifying and addressing pain points.

Wireframing / Designing

I started wireframing with Axure to conceptualize the changes in architecture and map out the new user journey. Once completed, I moved into high-fidelity designs using Sketch.


Using Bootstrap frameworks I created components and interactions with html, css, and js - which were passed off to engineers to implement into the platform.

Post Launch

Following the project launch, we were met with positive feedback from users who loved the new look and more intuitive user interface. We continued to collected user feedback and implemented iterative improvements accordingly.

Scott Benes
(949) 933-7654